
Training Somaliland government officials in Cyber Security is a great step

I attended the launch of the cybersecurity training program for 35 government officials, responsible IT departments of the Republic of Somaliland ministries, and other...

Is Somaliland A State? The Argument For Recognition Of Taiwan’s Newest Ally

This discussion of recognition centers on the question of whether Somaliland, Taiwan’s newest ally in Africa possesses the indicia of statehood. The 1933 Montevideo Convention...

Business Income Tax Returns for 2020 income due to be filed on 30th April, 2021

The Deputy-Minister of the Ministry of Finance Development HE. Muse Ibrahim Yusuf today reminded taxpayers that business income tax returns for 2020 income are...

The Somtel Network Offers Shares To The Public At An Issue Price Of $100 Per Share

THE SOMTEL NETWORK OFFERS SHARES TO THE PUBLIC AT AN ISSUE PRICE OF $100 PER SHARE Somtel, the telecom and technology service provider with a...

Doing better without aid: the case of Somaliland

Written by Gordon Peake A not-infrequently heard lamentation of maudlin government advisers and aid managers revolves around the notion that ‘they really couldn’t do without us.’...


