English News

Somalia: Voting under way but is it really an election?

Somalia Voting under way but is it really an election? The Horn of Africa country has already started picking new MPs, senators and, soon, a...

US forces in Somalia take on more risk as advisory mission expands

U.S. special operations forces working with Somalia troops are facing increased risk in an advisory mission that has shifted from basic soldiering to complex...

Somalia: Electoral Seats Selling for UP To $1.3 Million each, says Auditor General

The troubled country is holding crucial parliamentary and presidential elections. Somalia’s parliamentary elections have been subject to vote-buying and intimidation, leaving them without credibility, according...

Somalia: Two ISIS Fighters Sentenced to Death in Puntland

An ISIS faction recently took control of its first town in Somalia's Puntland region. A military court in a semiautonomous region of Somalia reportedly sentenced...

Charcoal Trade in Somalia

It is certain that the bulk of the illegal Somali charcoal trade is carried from Somali ports on vessels registered in other States. so the...


