English News

Somaliland: The Machinations of the Somalia Government

As the weak "federal entity" in Somalia tries to manipulate the international community and at same time try to undermine Somaliland, by using hired...

Somaliland: Wadani Party Appoints Ambassador at Large

The Somaliland opposition Wadani Party aspires to enhancing relations to the international community. Accordingly the outgoing Wadani leader and candidate for the Somaliland presidency on...

Kenya: invites African Entrepreneurs to Scale their Ventures at AFIF 2017

EMRC (www.EMRC.be) in collaboration with Entrepreneurial Solution Partners and the Strathmore University is announcing a call for action for Entrepreneurs from all over Africa to bring their projects, ideas...

Somalia/Somaliland: Urgent scale-up of humanitarian assistance needed amid severe drought

The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Peter de Clercq, today made an urgent appeal for humanitarian assistance amid worsening drought conditions that have left hundreds...

United Nations supports Somalia denial of Somaliland sovereignty

The United Nations, a body that has thus far failed to emerge as defender of even its own 30-point Universal Declaration of Human Rights, fully...


