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Somaliland: Member of European Parliament says Somaliland case merits ICJ attention

“This must be solved, not through politics, but with the law….”  MEPs must address Somaliland’s independence claim. High level hearing of Somaliland Independence case reached conclusion ...

Somaliland: Duqa Caasimadda Oo Shaaciyey Inay Cilladi Ku Timi Karashar Ay Dawladda Hoose Lacago Badan Siisatay Oo Muddo Fadhiid ah

Maayarka Caasimadda Hargeysa Md. Cabdiraxmaan Caydiid(soltelco), ayaa markii ugu horraysay ka hadlay cillad la weriyey inay ku timi agab qiimo badan ku kacay oo...

Somaliland: Wasiir Samsam Oo Bogaadisay Warbaahinta Maxalliga Ah, Deeqna Gaadhsiisay Deeggaanada Saraar

Wasiirka Maaliyadda marwo Samsam Cabdi Aadan ayaa warbaahinta   Somaliland ku bogaadisay doorka ay ka qaadatay dedaalada loogu jiro sidii gargaar loo gaadhsiin lahaa muwaadiniinta...

Somaliland: Reer Awdal Oo Dhoollatus Culus Ku Qaabilay Axmed Muumin Seed Iyo Mawjado Taageero Ah Oo Farriin U Diray Guddoomiye Cirro

Garabka Toosinta Iyo Caddaaladda Xisbiga WADDANI Oo Shalay Halkaas Gaadhay Dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Borama ee xarunta gobolka Awdal, ayaa soo dhaweyn taariikhda gashay oo...

Somaliland: Macallimiin Cabasho Ka Muujiyay Takoor Ay Sheegeen Inuu Kula Kacay, Guddoomiyaha Waxbarashada Qaybta Bariga Hargeysa

Macallimiintan oo ah dumar ayaa cabasho ka muujiyay guddoomiyaha waxbarashada ee Bariga Hargeysa, Idiris Maxamed Cumar (jabeel) oo ay sheegeen inuu ka hor istaagay...


Time to Temper Response to Ethiopia and Somaliland

The crisis in bilateral relations between Somalia and Ethiopia...

Al-Shabab captures UN helicopter in central Somalia

Several passengers reportedly taken by the armed group after...

It is Time for the World to Recognize Somaliland

omaliland has been on a charm offensive for three...

Somaliland does not want to be a “banana republic”

Somaliland is not seeking to be a “banana republic”....