Somaliland Deputy FM Rhoda takes a swipe at Mogadishu unrelenting lies


The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Rooda Jama Ilmi, has strongly criticized the statements and propaganda that the government of Hassan Sheikh of Mogadishu taking a swipe on the lies peddled about Somaliland.

She took issue with the claim that the accord struck in the end of December last year between Presidents Musa Bihi and Hassan Sheikh in Djibouti was very successful, something she said was in fact grossly false and extremely far from the truth.

The deputy minister confirmed that the said summit was not able to reach the points in contention discussed; “and the only agreement reached was to issue a diplomatic statement reflecting on the previous meetings, which was requested by the president of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, who was the host”.

She said that it was quite surprising that within Somalia described the conference as a success that achieved its obligations, and furthermore, she said that they have relentlessly been repeating the claims which would, inevitably, not be binding at all.

On the other hand, Hon. Rooda Jama Ilmi reminded the Mogadishu government that the times when Somaliland’s coasts and ports were used by Somalia for political and economic purposes are over, and now it is time to realize that the nation of Somaliland is at the helm of charting its cause and course hence have complete control over its territories.

She called upon the majority of Somalia population, most of whom have never set foot in Somaliland,  and are against the Somaliland –Ethiopia MoU accord not to waste their time and words in utopia that only reveals and underscores their deep-rooted animosity towards because there is nothing they can do about it at all to change the facts.


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