China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The People’s Republic of China has scolded Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland for extending ties with the Republic of China commonly known as Taiwan, terming the move as a direct ‘assault’ on China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Somaliland, a breakaway region of Somalia, has been leveraging Taiwan’s situation with China, even establishing a consulate in the region. The two suffer a similar fate since they are not recognized internationally as sovereign states.

A statement from China’s embassy in Mogadishu maintains Beijing only recognizes Somalia as a country, emphasizing that Somaliland is still part of Somalia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty contrary to Hargeisa’s assertion.

China further lauded the international community for supporting the one-china principle which supports a unitary state. China, the statement adds, will protect Somalia’s strive to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Over the past few years, many countries and individuals have reaffirmed their support for one-China policy and support for China’s opposition to Taiwan independence. This demonstrates that the international community commitment to the one-china principle is unshakeable,” read the statement.

“China recognizes the federal government of Somalia as the only legitimate government representing Somalia including Somaliland. It supports Somalia’s efforts to stamp authority on sovereignty and territorial integrity. ”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia recently reaffirmed its unwavering support for the One China policy, noting that Beijing’s territorial integrity and sovereignty should not be undermined by elements sponsoring destruction.

Somaliland recently signed a controversial deal with Ethiopia that would see Somalia lose 20 kilometers of the Red Sea in exchange for Somaliland’s recognition by Ethiopia. The deal sparked outrage internationally.

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