All Aspiring Candidates in the forthcoming Somaliland parliamentary and local councils elections slated for the 31st May 2021 must fulfil pre-set requirements.
This was informed by the National Elections Commission-NEC in Hargeisa as 100 days mark day of the first-ever consolidated Parliamentary and local councils elections in Somaliland.
In a statement NEC the Somaliland Electoral body composed of seven commissioners detailed the requirements for an aspiring candidate in the polls as it also issued guidelines for those in the civil service and Security forces
“Any current serving civil servant or security officer wishing to Contest for a seat in the forthcoming elections must resign three months, 90 days, to ballot day” said NEC

While the fulfilment of these conditions is now mandatory for one to qualify as a candidate NEC the action was also in pursuit of embracing the enforcement of the Electoral & Voter Registration Act, #91/2020.
With the three political parties of Ruling Kulmiye and Opposition UCID and Wadani having been busy establishing their candidate list, is not yet clear whether they, aspirants have fulfilled the just released conditions by NEC
Upon calling for the implementation of the requirements, which the Law obligates all citizens seeking election as member of parliament or Councillors the Electoral body revealed the requirements as

All candidates sponsored by each of the three political parties must
1. Possess a national Identity Card
2. Be a registered Voter in the constituency (Region) he/she aspires to represent
3. Aged 35 years and above
4. A certificate of good health (sound mind)
5. Secondary School education certificate
6. Provide Certificate of good conduct
7. Prove payment of 40m Somaliland shillings ( $4700) non refundable candidate fee from ministry of finance.
8. Signatory of Elections Ethics Code
9. Former civil servants and Security forces offices to provide resignation letter
10. Fully filled application letter (All relevant documents attached)

1. Possess a national Identity Card
2. Be a registered Voter in the local council (district) he/she aspires to represent
3. Aged 32 years and above
4. Be a tax payer in the council of candidacy
5. Own property in the council of candidacy
6. A certificate of good health (sound mind)
7. University graduate for grade A council and secondary certificate for Grades B and C
8. Provide Certificate of good conduct
- Prove payment of 15 Somaliland shillings grade A council ( $1750), Grade B 7m ($830) and Grade C 4m ($470) non refundable candidate registrationfee from ministry of finance.
- Signatory to Elections Ethics Code
- Former civil servants and Security forces offices to provide resignation letter
- Fully filled application letter with all relevant documents attached.
What is a miss here of what we believe is a Tring error but pursuing with NEC is requiring a secondary school education for a member of parliament and university education for a Grade A council candidates.