Morata oo Antonio Conte dartii isaga diidi kara Manchester United


Alvaro Morata ayaa iska diidi karaya Manchester United si uu ugu biiro Chelsea iyadoo uu doonayo inuu dibula shaqeeyo Antonio Conte.

United ayaa ugu cad cadeyd inay la soo saxiixato dhaliyaha Real Madrid iyadoo ay ku dhaweyd inay heshiiska ku soo afjarto 65 milyan usbuucii la soo dhaafay balse blues ayaa xerada soo jabsatay.

Weeraryahanka reer Spain ayay u muuqataa inuu ka soo tagi doono Bernabeu xagaagan kaddib markii uu cabasho ka muujiyay kulamada oo lagu yareeyay kal ciyaareedii tagay, kaliya 14 kulan ayaa lagu soo bilaabay La Liga.

Laakiin xiisaha Chelsea ayaa walaac galinaya Jose Mourinho, gaar ahaan jaceylka uu laacibka u qabo Conte, tababarihii kaa oo keenay Juventus 2016 kii ka hor inta uusan qaban xilka xulka Talyaaniga.

Conte ayaa isku dayay inuu la soo saxiixdo Morata xilli ciyaareedkii tagay, iyadoo laacibka qudhiisa uu qiray in maalin uun jeclaan lahaa inuu dib ula midoobo macallinka reer Talyaani.

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