Somaliland Attorney General’s Office and EUCAP host Maritime Legislation workshop in Berbera
From April 10 to 12 2017 EUCAP partnered with the Somaliland Attorney General’s Office to host aMaritime Legislation workshop in Berbera that was attended by the Chief of Justice Office, Police and Coast Guard.
Thirty-five participants across all of Somaliland including four women participated in the workshop.
Over the three-day gathering some of the topics covered included legislation and prosecution in maritime related cases, maritime jurisdiction and pollution, illegal fishing, piracy, investigation of maritime cases, evidence handling, cooperation between maritime authorities, police and prosecutors.
Lively discussions were held where participants shared their experiences.
EUCAP is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy.
The Mission contributes to the establishment and capacity building of maritime civilian law enforcement capability. A key aim is to assist in carrying out the normal suite of coast guard functions and policing the coastal zone on land and at sea. The Mission provides strategic level advising, mentoring and instances of specialised training, which are necessary to improve maritime security